It's starting to thaw around here. Everywhere and everything is drip, drip, dripping. This afternoon there were tons of folks at the car wash and they were all getting ripped off. I wash cars for a living, so I can see the ebb and flow of lunacy in real time. Today was the first day of what promises to be a 6 day thaw. Now, I'm all for washing cars, so don't get me wrong. The thing is that there are a lot more days of salty thaw spray on the roads and it makes more sense to wash the car after all of that has happened. Why waste $10 when it's going literally, not just figuratively, ...right.down.the.drain?
CP's been out of school more than in for the past two weeks. She was out for snow days, then out for sickness, then went back for half a day and will be out until Tuesday for conferences or whatever. Sheesh. I finally made the call and enlisted the help of the grands down the street so that the LW wouldn't completely lose her $hit and start baring her teeth whenever I walk into the room. She does that sometimes anyway. CP is doing good in school and loves math. Yayyyy!!
I was watching her do round offs before she left for gym class and wondered when she did all of that growing. It seems as though the last time I looked at her she still wasn't 4' tall. Time is flying and she's an expert pilot.
I picked up a file cabinet today in the hopes of clearing some floor space and it appears to be a success. A local contractor was getting rid of some stuff and I was able to help her out and get a great deal. $40...sweeeet! I'll be buying a furnace motor soon too. Ours has a dead spot in it and sometimes won't start. That's really fun when it's 4 degrees out.
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