Sunday, February 23, 2014

Old Peeps and Suess Hats

My folks are in town this weekend for a neice birthday and dropped by to visit this morning.  It was good to see them.  Mom mentioned that CP has grown so much since the last time they saw her and I reminded her that she only sees her once every six months or so.  Here I was thinking that retirement meant that you got out and went places, but it seems the only places they've been lately have been doctors' offices, hospital visits, and taking care of aging parents.

I feel bad for them.  This should be a good time for them, and in some ways, I guess it is.    It does seem though, that just as they come up for a breath of air, something else happens.  Health and aging issues are usually the culprit, with a good dose of Charcot Marie Tooth disease and related problems with bad feet and inability to heal from simple wounds thrown in for good measure.

Suessical was this week and the kid did well.  I was dumbfounded at the work that the school's music teacher was able to coax out of all of these 2nd graders, who scatter like ants, mentally and physically, at the drop of a (red and white striped) hat.

Yesterday was the GS troop Thinking Day and it was good for CP and the rest of the troop to begin to open their eyes to the world outside this tiny speck.  CP's troop had a presentation about Madagascar and I hope that they learned something about the place aside from the humor in the animated Disney version.  French colonization and the remnants of it maybe, or speciation and what happens when a part of a continent is cleaved away by drift, who knows.  If nothing else, they were exposed to maps and the idea that this world is at once a big place and a small piece of dust in the grand scheme of things.

Today is a rainbow loom class from the great folks who moved on from being Big Art, Little Masters, where CP learned the color wheel at the ripe old age of four.  Their latest gig is called Silver Tree Visual Arts and I'm sure the upcoming report will be wonderful.  Kristen and Ken do amazing work with the little ones.

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