If your bank should happen to fail or something else happens and you wind up having to work with NationStar Mortgage out of texas, then you'd better prepare yourself for a slog. Our bank failed late last year and fell into receivership by the FDIC. No real shock there, since it was owned by a nutbar, but we had to do business there to get into the 203K program at the time.
Well, after the FDIC was done juggling things for a while, they handed our mortgage off to Simmons First bank after they were done. Well, the account numbers from FDIC note about where we should send our payment got messed up and we ended up paying the mortgage on someone else's house, who just so happened to not be making payments of his own. Well, maybe he was, but they were being applied to someone else's house....
Anyway, it took 8+ hours on the phone with various people in texas to get just this part figured out. They had to go into the account, find out what we had paid into the mixed up account, then pull it back out and put it in another account while it all got sorted out. It finally got kinda sorted out then a month later, I got a loan statement saying that there had been more money that wasn't applied to our account so we only owed $154.44 for the month. Ok, fine...it doesn't surprise me at this point. Well, the following statement says that I missed an entire payment now for that month and that I owe basically two months of mortgage payments. SWEEEET! More time on hold with people at NationStar and now they tell me that I only paid $130 and change and that I owe them the remaining money. WTF? People.
Later this week, I'm sure that I'll get news that they can't figure out what's going, I'll have to chew some lower level CS team manager's arse and then I'll go ahead and finally file a complaint with the AG's office in texas and with the Austin BBB to see what happens.
If your loan lands with these folks, or your broker suggests them, don't do it. You may just be the person to push this company past the 500 complaints mark. If you do take a chance and go ahead with them, I just hope that you end up on hold behind me, not in front.
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