There's plenty of crying foul today in light of the latest government push to cover some folks with health care. It seems odd to me though that the party of personal responsibility is also the party of telling women what they can't do with their bodies, and the party of giving my tax money to churches. Oh, and lest I forget, they're the party of bomb-the-shit-out-of-the-wrong country....and get stuck up to our nuts there.
A guy I know spoke today of how this was akin to selling our kids' souls down the rabbit hole. I would argue that they were sold down with the Patriot Act, the invasion of Iraq, the placation of oil companies tied to Saudi Arabia, and with the appointment of Alito and Roberts to the supreme court. All of the grand decisions made by the collective genious of the last 10 years of government will haunt the grandchildren of our kids just as we're still cleaning up after the decisions of the "greatest generation" with a war of some sort every 15-20 years.
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